Andrew Snyder- Owner & Entertainment Guy

An entrepreneur at heart, he became a jack of all trades via business consulting, unofficial at risk youth motivational programs, network/tech support, jousting, event planning, sales & online marketing for years. This project fell into his unwilling lap & after a few events it was clear this is what he was built for.

“It is amazing, that a dream I had as a teenager, would play out so late in life that it clearly is debatable if doing this is a midlife crisis or a calling.  It might just be a bit of both, and either way we all get to have a great time building each other up, providing entertainment to anyone who comes along for the adventure.”

His well rounded experience has built a network of individuals that can bring a unique experience to events, along with the business mind to understand how to give business & personal customers a perfectly balanced value without excessive nerdiness or red tape that may hinder building your own epic sword fighting event.